You may always set default, or override old plugin options with new ones, by just calling a function with config object.
Return to gallery after pressing this button:
skin: "dark-blue", // set skin
fixed_size: 250, // limit image size
controls_position: "center" // move controls to center
Return to gallery after pressing this button:
skin: "dark-red", // change skin
fixed_size: 450, // change image size limit
controls_position: "right", // move controls to right
limit: 5 // limit total images to 5
Return to gallery after pressing this button:
skin: "dark-yellow", // change skin
fixed_size: 9999, // change image size limit to maximum
limit: 1 // limit total images to 1
Return to gallery after pressing this button:
limit: 42, // revert limit
fixed_size: 0, // do not resize images
skin: "metal", // set skin to default
controls_position: "left" // set controls position to default